Life-forms and Biological Spectrum in flora of Abyan Governorate -Yemen
Life form, flora, plants, biodiversity, AbyanAbstract
The topography of Abyan province varies markedly event geology, to which the region was exposed and can be divided into three main regions: .Northern highlands, Midel highlands, Coastel Areas.The changes in its topography of Abyan give rich in plant diversity. floristic composition and vegetation analysis studies were becoming increasingly important to provide important critical data for understanding biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in these areas .The main objective is todetermine the floristica composition of the area and life forms of the recorded species This study showed that there are 632 species including 331 genera and 89 families in this area. The largest represented families were Asteraceae (54 sp.) followed by Poaceae (40sp.), Asclepidiaceae (39 sp.), Fabaceae (37 sp.),Euphorbiaceae( 36 sp.),Solanaceae(21sp.),then Acanthaceae and Lamiaceae (19sp.) for each,Malvaceae and Chenopodiaceae (17sp.) for each, Amaranthaceae ,Borginaceae, Cucurbitaceae,(16sp) each of them,Mimosaceae,Zygophylaceae (14sp.)for each. while other families each was represented by 12to 1 sp.. Investigation of life forms species shows that Chamaephytes are the most important (32.6%), therophytes(26.11%), hemicryptophytes (18.20%), phanerophytes (16.93%), geophytes (3.64%), epiphytes and parasites (1.26%)each
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