Participatory Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension


  • Amal Ebrahem Hassan Bedalla Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Tobruk, Tobruk, Libya مؤلف
  • Mardiya Abobaker Yousef Elzouki Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Tobruk, Tobruk, Libya مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

(Participatory learning Approach) - Reading Comprehension .PTA(participatory Teaching Approach),EFL( English as forgien language) .teaching Reading Comprehension.


English language became one of the most powerful languages in the world and one of the most commonly spoken languages, and the majority of global communities utilized it as a communication tool. To acquire these language learners should start with four skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Reading is one of the greatest and most thorough methods to learn science and other fields. The researchers began investigating all potential alternatives in an effort to enhance reading comprehension, raise student engagement, and assist students in developing their reading comprehension abilities. They also looked at how reading content impacts understanding in order to improve comprehension and make reading more applicable to daily life. The goal of the study was to ascertain the impact of interactive reading on the development of reading comprehension and to create a framework that would aid students in conceptualizing the participatory approach to teach reading comprehension, which is based on participatory learning theory (PLA). This framework took the form of a collaborative teaching and learning strategy that included a forum, insight, interaction, and task.

This paper studied a method of teaching -Participatory Teaching Approach- and apply it on teaching reading comprehension which is a part of the four skills. Based on participatory language teaching, the content of the material goes back to social contexts involving not only sociopolitical issues, but also students’ academic and personal goals.

The study was conducted at middle -school in Tobruk. The sample consisted of (36) students, divided into two groups, with (18) students for each group, and the theory was applied into one of the two groups. Based on the questionnaire for both students and teachers and the results of the statistical analysis of the questionnaire. The result shows that; there are no statistically significant differences between the use of participatory learning in teaching reading comprehension and the achievement of the educational level of middle-school students in this school. Students in both groups have positive attitude towards the use of the traditional way and the PLA.

And the explanation for that are both ways are effective in improving reading comprehension skill for middle-class students.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Amal Ebrahem Hassan Bedalla, & Mardiya Abobaker Yousef Elzouki. (2023). Participatory Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension . مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 8(5), 162-171.

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