Effect of replacing dietary berseem hay with mushroom by-product (Pleurotus osteratus) growing on rice straw on female rabbit reproductive performance and some blood analysis


  • Ali Mohamed ABoBAkER Laftah Department of Biology College of Education , Zintan University , Liby مؤلف



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Waste mushroom substrate, does rabbit, reproductive performance, hematological, biochemical blood.


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of replacing berseem hay (BH) with different levels of waste mushroom substrate (WMS) and the impact of three parities on the reproductive performance and blood traits of doe rabbits. Forty-eight New Zealand White (NZW) doe rabbits, approximately 6-7 months old and weighing 3.100-3.110 kg, were randomly assigned to four experimental groups, with 12 rabbits in each group. The groups were as follows: Treatment 1, which served as the control diet with 32 Kg/100Kg BH (0% WMS); Treatment 2, with 6.4 WMS + 25.6 BH Kg/100 Kg (20% WMS); Treatment 3, with 12.8 WMS + 19.2 BH Kg/100 Kg (40% WMS); and Treatment 4, with 9.2 WMS + 12.8 BH Kg/100Kg (60% WMS). The experimental period lasted for three parities.

Statistically analyzed by two-ways system revealed that the main effect of WMS replacement with BH cause  a significant effect on FI (during lactation 14-28days), MY, Lactation ratio, milk efficiency and average milk/ kit, ALW at weaning, ALWG, Pre-weaning SR%, CR % and hematological as (RBC, WBC, HCT, %), MCV, μm3, MCH, pg, MCHC, g dL-1 at mid lactation 14th day)  or biochemical blood as (total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin/globulin ratio and glucose at mid lactation 14th day).The main effect of parity has a significant effect on LBW (at mating or pre-partum), FI (during 14-28 day of pregnancy or 0-14 day of lactation periods), pre-weaning SR%, hematological (WBC 103/ mL and MCV μm3). The interaction between WMS addition and parity orders had a significant effect on FI (during pregnancy and lactation periods), the first week  of MY, Lactation ratio, milk efficiency and average milk/ kit, CR, %, hematological and biochemical blood at mid lactation of NZW Does rabbits.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali Mohamed ABoBAkER Laftah. (2024). Effect of replacing dietary berseem hay with mushroom by-product (Pleurotus osteratus) growing on rice straw on female rabbit reproductive performance and some blood analysis. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 9(1), 470-489. https://doi.org/10.58916/jhas.v9i1.214

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