Impact of probiotic and/or organic acid salts supplementation on reproductive performance and blood biochemistry in Does rabbits
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
probiotic، organic acid salts، Reproductive performance، Female rabbitالملخص
A factorial design study was conducted to evaluate the impact of probiotic (Lactobacillus plantarum L) and sodium formate on the reproductive performance of does, kits performance, and biochemical parameters of V-line rabbits.
Forty-two doe rabbits were divided into six groups and fed different diets for four months. The groups consisted of: (1) control diet, (2) diet with 0.3g NF, (3) diet with 0.5g NF, (4) diet with 500g LP, (5) diet with 500g LP and 0.3g NF, and (6) diet with 500g LP and 0.5g NF. Data on body weight, feed intake, milk yield, litter size, litter weight, and blood biochemical parameters were analyzed using a 2x3 factorial design.
The study results showed that body weight did not significantly change when probiotics and sodium formate were added to the diets, either alone or in combination, compared to the control group. Adding 500g LP alone with either 0.3% or 0.5% NF significantly improved feed intake during days 24-28 of lactation (P<0.05). Supplementing diets with 0.0%, 0.3%, or 0.5% NF along with 500g LP also increased feed intake compared to the unsupplemented diet in rabbits. Rabbits fed diets containing 0.3% and 0.5% NF showed significantly higher milk yield during lactation compared to the control group. The addition of 0.3% and 0.5% NF to LP-free diets resulted in the greatest increase in milk yield. Diets with varying levels of NF, with or without LP supplementation, led to higher litter weights compared to the negative control group throughout the nursing periods. Feeding 500g LP diets during mating and pre or post-partum periods significantly increased total protein and albumin levels in blood biochemical analysis. The study found that adding 0.3% sodium formate led to higher total protein levels during mating, pre-partum, and post-partum periods. Additionally, there was a notable increase in globulin concentration compared to the control group without sodium formate supplementation. The serum blood cholesterol and glucose levels were significantly higher in does rabbits fed diets containing 500g LP at mating and during pre- or post-partum compared to the control group. However, adding 500g LP to rabbit diets resulted in a significant reduction in serum blood triglycerides compared to the control group. The results indicated that a low level (0.3%) of sodium formate supplementation had a significant effect on serum cholesterol levels.
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