Effect of Solanum Melongena peel anthocyanin extracts in Lipase Activity which purified from TI-diabetes patients


  • Zena Ismail Abdullah Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq مؤلف
  • Nashwan Ibrahem Al-Lehebe Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq مؤلف



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Anthocyanin, fatty acids lipid profile, atherogenic index, diabetes mellitus.


Lipase is a crucial enzyme regulating triglyceride metabolism in the blood muscle and adipose tissue. lipase was purified from the blood of the patients with type 1 diabetes using a range of techniques including precipitation with ammonium sulfate, dialysis, and ion exchange chromatography by CM-cellulose. The specific activity was found to be 0.0117, 0.0252, and 0.1035 U/mg protein, respectively, purification fold was found to be 1.88, 4.06, and 16.96, respectively. Molecular weight was 76.5 KD. The research also examined the optimal conditions for the enzyme, including the effect of enzyme concentration, temperature, pH, and substrate. The optimal conditions were found to be 100 μl of enzyme at 37℃, 7.2, and 1.2, respectively.  Anthocyanin extracts were isolated from eggplant peel by a mixture of solvents (HCL, Methanol, chloroform) identification and estimation of these compounds by HPLC, total and anthocyanin compounds Cyanidin Delphinidin Malvidin Peonidin 439.25 64.35, 215.15, 79.9, 79.85 μg/kg of eggplant peer respectively. The extracts exhibited competitive inhibition of LPL activity at concentrations of 20 and 40 ppm.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Zena Ismail Abdullah, & Nashwan Ibrahem Al-Lehebe. (2024). Effect of Solanum Melongena peel anthocyanin extracts in Lipase Activity which purified from TI-diabetes patients. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 9(3), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.58916/jhas.vi.293

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