Evaluation of Complete Blood Count in Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding at Bani Waleed Hospital, Bani Waleed, Libya: A Preliminary Study
CBC, platelet syndromes, gastrointestinal bleedingAbstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the complete blood count in adult patients presenting with gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding at Bani Waleed Hospital, Libya. The study included Libyan adults experiencing GI bleeding, comprising 44 males and 21 females, aged between 16 and 80 years. Patients were treated at Bani Waleed Hospital during January to March 2022. Notified consent was obtained from all participants (50 patients and 15 controls), followed by the collection of 4 ml of venous blood from each participant for CBC analysis. The findings revealed significant differences (p< 0.05) significant comparison to the control group in several CBC parameters. It was determined that GI bleeding patients are prone to anemia and hypoxia, irrespective of gender and age, with males being more often impacted.
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