Cumulative Ability Of Lolium multiflorum Grasses for Some Heavy Metals in Shahat, Libya
Lolium multiflorum- soil`s heavy metals– Cumulative –ability - shahatAbstract
This study was undertaken in the Shahat Forest aimed to evaluate the capacity of L. multiflorum to absorb and retain heavy metals in its tissues. heavy metals investigated included (Zn), (Fe), (Cd), & (Pb), with samples obtained from both the aerial and root parts of L. multiflorum, as well as from soil at a depth of 0-40 cm beneath L. multiflorum. Importantly, the concentrations of these heavy metals were found to be within the permissible limits set by (WHO). The findings indicated that L. multiflorum significantly contributes to absorb and accumulate heavy metals, with (BAF) for Zn, Fe, Cd, and Pb recorded at 2.5, 2, 1.7, and 2.2 mg, respectively. Additionally, (BCF) for the roots exceeded 1, while (TF) remained below 1 for all toxic metals examined. Thus, L. multiflorum has the potential to function as a bio accumulator utilizing a phytostabilization approach. Statistical evaluations demonstrated significant variations (p < 0.05) in heavy metal concentrations across the various parts of the grasses and soils.
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