Investigation into the Weathering Layer Using Up-hole Method of Seismic Refraction, Concession 72, Sirt basin- Libya


  • Abdulmonem I. Saied Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Al-Zaytouna University, Tarhuna, Libya Author
  • Ali M. Ben Issa Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Asmariya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya. Author
  • Ahmed Al Furjany Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Asmariya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya. Author



Uphole survey, Weathered layer, Seismic refraction, Static correction, Replacement velocity


       In this study, the refraction seismic survey data (uphole survey data) acquired from En Naga area, located within Concession 72,  Affiliated with Veba Oil Operations Company (V.O.O) in Sirt Basin, were analysed and interpreted. The study aims to determine the depth of the weathering layer and identify the seismic wave velocities of the sub-weathering layer to calculate the replacement velocity. This information is intended for use in the static corrections phase of the 3D seismic data carried out in the mentioned area. A total of 39 wells were drilled for this purpose, with an average depth of approximately 200 meters, and velocity logs were recorded from the bottom to the surface. The data indicated the presence of four layers penetrated by drilling, which could easily be distinguished by the variation in seismic wave velocities between them. The velocity in the fourth layer is relatively high compared to the upper layers, ranging from 1750 m/s to 2750 m/s, and it also shows lateral velocity instability. The upper three layers combined were considered weathering layers, with a thickness ranging from 150 meters to approximately 206 meters. Due to the lateral velocity instability in the fourth layer, which was considered the sub-weathering layer, it was not possible to determine a single value for the replacement velocity. An integrated velocity model is recommended to calculate the static correction based on well information in addition to seismic information (First break method) in the study area.


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Author Biography

  • Abdulmonem I. Saied, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Al-Zaytouna University, Tarhuna, Libya

    Personal information:






    Date of birth


    Marital status

    Occupational field

    Years of experience


    Occupation or position held








    Education and Qualification



    Principal subjects occupational skills covered






    Education and Qualification




    Principal subjects

     occupational skills covered


    Professional training

















    Personal skills and competences


    Mother tongue

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    Abdalmnam Abrahem Saleh Saied

    +218 (0) 928894154

    (   (






    22 years


    ─   Acquisition & processing supervisor of VEBA Oil Operations Company Tripoli, Libya 2007.

    ─   Seismic acquisition project manager of petro Canada oil company Tripoli, Libya.2008.

    ─   Seismic acquisition project manager of Suncor energy company Tripoli, Libya.2013.

    ─   Lecturer at the University of Zaytuna. Faculty of Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences since 2017.



    1. MSc Professional Studies in Petroleum Engineering.

    Robert Gordon University, School of Engineering, Aberdeen, UK.

    Thesis title “Seismic interpretation of NW of concession 11 Facha area Sirte basin Libya”.

    Learned and enhanced skills dealing with, Petroleum Geology and Fluids, Formation Evaluation, Reservoir and Fluids Engineering, Managing the Environment, Field and Well Optimisation, Project and Operation Management, Well Engineering Fundamentals, and Economic and Asset Management.



    1. Bachelor of Science in Geophysics.

               Tripoli University, Faculty of Science, Tripoli, Libya.


    Principles of Geophysics and Geophysics Exploration methods.



    ─        Course in fundamentals of reserve estimate computations oil and gas Tripoli-Libya.

    ─        Basic UNIX. Schlumberger training center. Tripoli-Libya. May2003.

    ─        Geoframe fundamental, Schlumberger training center. Tripoli-Libya. June 2003.

    ─        Geoframe charisma seismic data loading & data management. Schlumberger training center. Tripoli-Libya. July 2003.                                        

    ─        Seismic inversion for reservoir characterization, Schlumberger training center. Tripoli-Libya. September 2003.                                   

    ─        Seismic interpretation using charisma, Schlumberger training center. Tripoli-Libya.  Dec 2003.

    ─        Cambridge International Diploma in (IT) skills, June 2004.

    ─        Petrel fundamental course, Tripoli-Libya 2010.

    ─        Petrel Depth conversion and velocity analysis London-UK 2013.

    ─        Preparing modules for the Department of Earth Sciences such as geophysics principles, geophysical exploration methods.


    ─        Using the computer with high skills and efficiently






    Many international and local scientific conferences have a direct relationship to oil and gas exploration between 2000 & 2024.












Aminzadeh, F., & Dasgupta, S. N. (2013). Geophysics for petroleum engineers. Newnes.

Arab Geophysical Exploration Services Company. (1993). Acquisition final report of 3D seismic project, Concession 72 En Naga area.

Omenikolo, A. I., & Chigbu, T. O. (2013). Application of the uphole seismic data in the determination of the weathered layer profile in east-central Niger Delta, Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences.



How to Cite

Abdulmonem I. Saied, Ali M. Ben Issa, & Ahmed Al Furjany. (2025). Investigation into the Weathering Layer Using Up-hole Method of Seismic Refraction, Concession 72, Sirt basin- Libya. Bani Waleed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 10(1), 42-55.

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