
  • Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim Ghoma Faculty of Engineering, University of Gharyan مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:



This paper describes ananalytical model created for the turbulent wall jet-induced unstable scour hole. Also presented is the use of the analytical model for various wall jet situations. Estimates of Reynolds Stress at 1 cm above the bed at various streamwise locations for a rough bed were made using anAcoustic Doppler Velocimeter ADV.The results revealed that the region near the wall jet, where there is flow recirculation, is the part of the flow that is the most sensitive to Reynolds stressfor flows over both a fixed rough bed and a mobile bed. The analytical model matches the experimentaldata well in the region after x/b0 15, where the non-dimensional error was 0.0035.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim Ghoma. (2022). ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION OF BOUNDARY SHEAR STRESS OVER FIXED AND MOBILE BEDS FOR SUBMERGED WALL JETS. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(4), 1-37.

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