Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ensuring Safe and Economic Waste Disposal in Libya by Converting Household Organic Waste into Fertilizer and Biogas through Anaerobic Digestion


  • Rajab Emhemmed Abujnah Environmental Science, College of Science, Elmergib University , Alkhums, Libya مؤلف
  • Mabruka Elsegar Hadidan Chemistry , College of Science, Elmergib University , Alkhums, Libya مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Biogas, Household Waste, Global Warming Gasses, Organic Fertilizer. Organic Matter


When organic matter such as food waste or animal waste is broken down by aerobic microorganisms, a flammable gas is produced, which is mostly composed of methane and carbon dioxide, and this process is called anaerobic digestion. This process is now occurring naturally in all garbage dumps scattered in all Libyan cities and contributes effectively to the production of greenhouse gases and thus the process of global warming. In this work, an airtight container was designed to dispose of the household organic waste of one of the Libyan houses and convert it into organic fertilizer and produce flammable gas through the process of anaerobic digestion, the food waste collected from the house of a Libyan family was incubated after grinding it and mixing it with water and cows in a tightly closed container. This container is designed in a way that stimulates and traps gas production and can be used in any Libyan home. Note that this gas burned and flame formed when it was allowed to leave the vessel.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • Rajab Emhemmed Abujnah، Environmental Science, College of Science, Elmergib University , Alkhums, Libya

    Rajab Emhemmed Abujnah

    Environmental Scientist and Engineer

    Leptis Magna st.                    Ph :Cell (218) 92258-7845 or (218)910317316

    Al-khums Libya         E-mail: or  





    • Ph.D. Environmental Science and Engineering, the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)-USA, August/2011.
    • M. Sc., Environmental Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon-Canada, October, 1999.
    • B. Sc., Environmental Studies, Sebha University, Formerly (higher Institute of Technology Sebha- Libya, 1985.


    Research Interests:


    • Mitigating Climate Change, Organic Solar Cells, Air pollution & Modeling, Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil, Disposal of Hazardous Wastes, Environmental Impact Assessment EIA, Water pollution, and Utilization of Oily Waste, Stabilization of Sandy Soil and Reduction of Desertification.

    Professional Societies:

    • Reviewer at Environmental Earth Sciences Scientific Journal (Springer). 
    • Researcher at Libyan General Environmental Authority (LGEA).
    • Libyan Engineers Association (LEA).

    Professional Experiences:

    • Associate Professor at Environmental Science Department, College of Sciences, Elmergib University Alkhums Libya 8/8/2019 to present
    • Dean of College of Science Elmergib University Alkhoms Libya 15/4/2017 to 1/10/2019
    • Assistance Professor at Earth & Environmental Science Department Elmergib University Alkhoms Libya 8/8/2015 to 7/8/2019
    • Post. Doctorate at Material Research Center at El- Paso, Texas UTEP USA, 9/1/2011 to 6/15/2012.
    • Lecturer, Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Almergib-Libya, 08/2003 – 10/2006. The main founder of Environmental Sciences Division which is Now Called The Department of Environmental Sciences.
    • Research & Teaching Assistant, Bio-Agricultural  Engineering Department & University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, 05/2000 to 10/2002.
    • Research Assistant, Environmental Engineering Department, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 09/1996 to 10/1999.
    • Teaching Assistant, Biological Science Department, University of Almergib-Libya, 09/1993 – 09/1995.
    • Senior Engineer, Al-Khoms Environmental Bureau, 9/1988 – 9/1993.
    • Laboratory Technician, Al-Khoms Environmental Bureau, 4/1986 – 9/1988.

    Training Courses:

    • Environmental Impact Assessment training course Saskatoon Canada 2002. 
    • Laboratories Safety and Hazardous Chemicals Management, UOS Saskatoon Canada 2000.
    • Analysis Using AASP, 2005.
    • Laboratories Safety and Hazardous Chemicals Management, UTEP El Paso USA 2012.



    • Awarding of Libyan Ministry of Higher Education MS.c Scholarship of Studying Abroad 1995.
    • Awarding of graduate studies Fellowship University of Saskatchewan Canada 2000.
    • Awarding of Libyan Ministry of Higher Education PhD Scholarship of Studying Abroad 2006.
    • Travel Award of UTEP’s Graduate School, Faculty of Science (Dodson funds), and Center of Environmental Resources Management, 2008, The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 25-28 February 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.


    • Rajab E. Abujnah, and Russell R. Chianelli, Asphaltene as Light-Harvesting Material in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell. Book chapter Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment 2014, pp 951-958; Springer International Publishing: 23 May 2014
    • Marian Nicte Zappala, Rajab Abujnah, Cesar Luna and Russell Robert Chianelli. 2013.A Novel Approach to Ethanol Fuel Production Using Rotary Collection of Forest Debris. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 2 (2013) 614-620
    • Abujnah, Rajab. 2009. Environmental and Geological Consequences of the Libyan Man-Made River Project (MMRP). Poster presented at: 2009 New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Macy Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, August 11, 2009.
    • Abujnah, R. 2008.The effects of oily waste on nutrients supply rate, as measured by cation and anion exchange membranes; The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 25-28 February 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
    • Rajab E. Abujnah, Elhadi. Hadya, Sadek., Khomira and Hassan Alshref Environmental Impacts of Libyan Man-made River Project on Nearby Region.

    Tarbawi Journal, Volume 11, July 2017 pp. 365-372





    • Elhadi Abduallah Hadia, Omar Sulaiman Belhaj, Rajab Emhemmed Abujnah. Monitoring the concentration (Contamination) of Mercury and cadmium in Canned Tuna Fish in Khums, Libyan Market. Tarbawi Journal, volume 12, December, 2017
    • Rajab, E. Abujnah, Mabruka Hadidan, Rabia, O, Oshkurfo. Khaled Abushnaf Photo-degradation of Halogenated Compounds by Porous Metal Oxides Catalyst. Tarbawi Journal, volume 13, December, 2018
    • Rajab Abujnah, Mabruka Hadidan, NajatAburas: Study of the Levels of Some Heavy Metals Present in the Cement Dust of Al-Mergib Factory. International Science and Technology Journal, Volume 34, Part 1, April 2024 1-11      


    Papers in press

    • Rajab Abujnah, Mabruka Hadidan. The effect of the temperature inversion on the rate of aerosols in the atmosphere of the city of Alkhums.
    • Rajab Abujnah, Mabruka Hadidan. Quantifying temperature inversion frequency and strength over Alkhums City during summer and winter seasons.




    • Good written and verbal communication skills
    • Bilingual Arabic/English.
    • Capable multicultural and interpersonal aptitudes.
    • Team and leadership abilities.
    • Excellent problem-solving capacity.
    • Utilizing Windows-based PCs with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and Access.



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كيفية الاقتباس

Rajab Emhemmed Abujnah, & Mabruka Elsegar Hadidan. (2024). Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ensuring Safe and Economic Waste Disposal in Libya by Converting Household Organic Waste into Fertilizer and Biogas through Anaerobic Digestion . مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 9(5), 573-578.

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