The Impact of Lecturing on reconstructing Teachers` Professional Identity: A Case Study on Four Libyan EFL In-service Teachers Teaching at The College of Languages and Translation, Zaytuna University


  • Njma Salem Agila College of Languages and Translation, Zaytuna University مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

teacher professional identity, lecturing factors, reconstruction of teacher professional identity


Identity is a broad and evolving term that encompasses new variables over time. Although many studies have examined this topic, the relationship between teachers' professional identity and the impact of actual lecturing remains underexplored, particularly in the Libyan context. This case study aims to investigate the perceptions of Libyan EFL teachers regarding their professional identities and the impact of lecturing on reconstructing these identities. This qualitative study utilizes semi-structured interviews, followed by informal discussions with teachers to gain deeper insights into their responses.

The findings reveal that all teachers identified linguistic competence as central to their professional identities. Additionally, they described their roles as conveying moral values to students and highlighted gaining prestige within the family, cultural and social experience, and continuous self-improvement as important aspects of their identities.

Regarding the factors influencing identity reconstruction through lecturing, Teacher S emphasized responsibility, collaborative work, engagement, and experience. Teacher N highlighted experience, working under pressure, organizational policies, and real teaching practice. For Teacher G, support from the organization and experience were key, while Teacher M pointed to experience, quality assurance, collaboration, organizational involvement, and responsibility for student outcomes as the primary factors reshaping his professional identity.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Njma Salem Agila. (2023). The Impact of Lecturing on reconstructing Teachers` Professional Identity: A Case Study on Four Libyan EFL In-service Teachers Teaching at The College of Languages and Translation, Zaytuna University. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 8(1), 831-853.

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