Semantic fields in the introductions of the book (Al-Muwafaqat fi Usul al-Fiqh) by Imam al-Shatibi
semantic fields, Tributaries, Shatby, approvals, introductions.Abstract
The theory of semantic fields represents a good way and an effective solution for monitoring the lexical items of any linguistic text. This theory is based on the general concepts that make up the vocabulary of the language. It shows the strength of the connection between the vocabulary of one field, and it also contributes to revealing similarities and differences, and what unites those vocabulary. Of relationships, in addition to contributing to the lexical industry that our ancestors began through the development that the language has gone through and is going through. Semantic fields are nothing but a Western name for a seed of Arabic origin that was scattered in the writings of our early scholars, such as treatises and linguistic dictionaries, which were based on dividing words according to their meanings into axes and words. The idea is Arab in rigin, and the theory is Western in approach. The study included several semantic fields in which the linguistic vocabulary within the author's text was characterized by strong interconnection, durability of communication, and clarity of meaning. Such as the semantic fields that relate to the human being, his attributes, names, organs, and senses, and the resulting obedience and monotheism to the One and Only One, and the legal rulings that are required of him, in a harmonization in which the linguistic ability of Imam Al-Shatibi was evident.
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