Effects on early-phase White Leghorn performance of switching from sesame meal (Sesamum indicum) to soybean meal level enhanced with enzymes
Sesame meal, Pullets, Productive performance, Egg productionAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the nutritive values of sesame meal (SM). In the feeding studies, the effect of including different levels of SM in the diet for rearing White Leghorn pullets (WL) during 12-28 weeks of age was investigated as the main goal. Three levels of SM representing 0.0 (control), 15, and 30% in the rearing diets for WL hens during 12-28 weeks of age were studied. There were 4 sub-treatments for 15 and 30% SM levels, including a negative control group, phytase, Optizyme, and phytase plus Optizyme.
The criteria studied were productive performance and egg production. Sesame meal at 15 and 30% had no negative effect on growth and feed consumption of pellets during 12-24 weeks of age. Growth and feed intake during 12-24 weeks of age were not significantly affected by enzyme additions. However, a significant interaction was shown in BWG for the whole period (12-24 weeks of age), indicating that phytase increased BWG of pullets fed 30% SM diet. In general, SM level and/or enzyme supplementations did not adversely affect age at 1st egg laid, 30 and 60% laying rate. Laying rate, egg weight, and egg mass during 22-28 weeks of age were not significantly affected by feeding different SM levels up to 30%. Also, enzymes did not affect laying performance during the 22-28 week age period. Laying rate and egg mass during 22-28 weeks of age were significantly improved due to the addition of multienzymes to diets containing 30% SM.
This may reflect the importance of this interaction from an economic point of view. It was concluded that 30% SM could be fed to WL pullets during 12-28 weeks of age when supplemented with Optizyme without adverse effects on performance.
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