Pollution of some underground water wells with nitrate ion and some heavy metals in El-Marj city in East of Libya
heavy metals, Nitrates, water pollution, Irrigation water, pollutionAbstract
A study aims to detect the presence and concentration of some heavy metals and nitrate (NO3) ions in samples of groundwater wells, in El-Marj city which located in east of Libya. Three heavy metals were chosen to be examined; Pb,Cd, and Cr. The resulted showed that the concentration of the selected heave metals were in normal range in most of the samples if they were compared with slandered references. The average concentration were ( 0.0494 ,0.0038 , and 0.000254) mg/l for Pb, Cd, and Cr respectively.
From the results could noted that, sample No (w01) had highest Pb concentrate ( 0.0629) mg/l ,which mean higher than permissible rate, while the sample No (w02) was the lowest in compared with other samples. For Cd element sample No (w05) had highest Cd concentrate ( 0.0043) mg/l while the sample No (w02) was the lowest in compared with other samples. And for Cr element sample No (w04) had highest Cr concentrate ( 0.000318) mg/l while the sample No (w05) was the lowest in compared with other samples. Also, the resulted showed the samples were polluted with NO3 ions where the highest concentrate with NO3 ion was in sample No (w04) which was (52.91) mg/l, which mean higher than permissible rate, while the lowest concentrate was (3.76) mg/l. By comparing these results with permissible range of these elements, according to what was reported by FAO, most of the samples was consider free of contamination from these elements and nitrate with the exception of some samples.
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