Coherence and Cohesion errors committed by EFL Libyan University students majoring English


  • Mohammed Hasen Alghazzali Department of English Language, College of Education, Bani Waleed University, Bani Walid, Libya. مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Coherence , Cohesion errors، EFL Libyan University students


This study examined coherence and cohesion errors in the writing of English majors at EFL Libyan universities. Finding particular errors pertaining to the application of cohesive devices, logical sequencing, and general text organization was the main goal of the study. Writing tests and error analysis were used to gather data from a sample of thirty students. The analytical descriptive method was employed in the study. The findings showed that the most common coherence errors are related to the ineffective use of cohesive ties (90.60%) and substitution to avoid repetition (90%), while logical organization errors are less frequent (76.70%). Cohesion errors, particularly in the use of ellipsis (88%) and conjunctions (86.67%), are also prevalent. Errors in anaphora (81%) and lexical cohesion (81%) highlight the challenges students face in maintaining clarity and unity in their writing. The study recommends focused instruction on coherence and cohesion, detailed feedback and revision processes, and peer review activities to address these issues and improve the overall quality of EFL students' writing.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • Mohammed Hasen Alghazzali، Department of English Language, College of Education, Bani Waleed University, Bani Walid, Libya.
    • الاســـــــــــــــــــم محمد حسن علي الغزالي
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    • الرقــم الوطنــي 119850133337
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    عنوان المقالة   Coherence and Cohesion errors committed by EFL Libyan University students majoring English  

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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed Hasen Alghazzali. (2025). Coherence and Cohesion errors committed by EFL Libyan University students majoring English. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 10(1), 268-288.

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