Cracks in the walls around the windows and doors openings (CASE STUDY)


  • Dr. naji amhimmid salih مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:



Abstract: In this study the problem of cracks appearing in walls especially around door openings and windows was addressed Which takes approximately a slope at an angle (45*) and the door and window openings are the weakest part of the wall we also sometimes notice the appearance of horizontal cracks above the windows lintels which are caused by the impact Thermal  the appearance of cracks in buildings leads to distortion of the general appearance of the walls whether from the inside or outside it also leads to the leakage of rain water through it and the emergence of this problem is due to many some of the reasons are related to the method of implementation and some are related to the type of bricks used in construction work the other is due to the seasonal change in temperature and humidity in addition to the misuse of opening operations and the lock for doors and windows and therefore the dimensions of the windows compared to the dimensions of the wall it was also discussed the steps that can be taken to avoid the appearance of cracks some of which are related to in proper materials and structural issues-foundation and soil movement and the method of implementation for walls windowsills and doors.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Dr. naji amhimmid salih. (2024). Cracks in the walls around the windows and doors openings (CASE STUDY). مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(5), 320-328.

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