Applications of EOR Azzaytuna Analysis as a New Tool for Screening of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods


  • Mohamed Baqar مؤلف
  • Hamza Meelad مؤلف
  • Hana Sheikh مؤلف
  • , Ayman Allsaed مؤلف
  • Mohammed Mohammed مؤلف
  • Bader Awedat مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:



Abstract: The production of oil through reservoirs generally run through series of production stages. It can be classified as primary, secondary and tertiary (enhanced oil) recovery techniques.  In the EOR stage, several processes and technologies are used to increase or uphold recovery from existing fields. These processes often involve the injection of fluid(s) and most recently microbes into a reservoir. Therefore, maintaining and increasing oil production from existing fields require proper selection, design, and implementation of EOR methods. One of the most used method for quick screening of the different EOR techniques is considering the successful previous experiences from the methods that have been applied in other fields. In this paper, an EOR screening tool has been designed using visual basic studio based on the recently reported EOR projects over the world. The developed tool, which is named " EOR Azzaytuna Analysis", is applied for one of the partially depleted reservoir that is located in Al-Zenad Farrud oil reservoir in Libya. The obtained results from "EOR Azzaytuna Analysis" have been compared to the obtained ones from the most common EOR screening tool known as EORgui. Both results were in-agreement and concluded that immiscible and CO2 injection method, are the most viable options for the selected field understudy.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohamed Baqar, Hamza Meelad, Hana Sheikh, , Ayman Allsaed, Mohammed Mohammed, & Bader Awedat. (2024). Applications of EOR Azzaytuna Analysis as a New Tool for Screening of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(5), 186-190.

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