Perspectives of Instructors and Students on Learner Anxiety in English Classroom Settings
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Learner anxiety, foreign language learning anxiety, English language students, difficulties, curriculum.الملخص
This study aimed to investigate the perspectives of both English teachers and students on learner anxiety in language learning settings. To achieve the study objectives, a mixed research design was utilized through semi-structured interviews with 15 teachers and an online survey with 30 English language learners. The results of teachers’ interviews showed the most common types of learning anxiety, challenges, and supporting strategies, while students survey revealed that learning anxiety is a recurring factor for most students. They emphasized teamwork as it helps in understanding and carrying out assignments and activities. Both instructors and students confirmed that the factor of anxiety in the classroom can be reduced through several solutions, including the use of appropriate strategies and the need to make the learning environment more positive and encouraging for students. With regard to challenges, teachers face difficulties represented by the lack of sufficient time, limitations of curriculums that focused on grades rather than anxiety, and the desire for training on how to help students who suffer from anxiety. Both instructors and students agree on the need to provide courses and resources that help overcome learning anxiety. This can include workshops and online resources.
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