Metamaterial Based High Isolated Four Port MIMO Antenna for 5G Smartphone Applications.


  • Mohamed S. Alshulle1 Military Industries Organization, Bani-walid, Libya مؤلف
  • Areej. M. Ahmeid College of Electronic Technology, Bani-walid, Libya مؤلف
  • Hana. R. Matouq College of Electronic Technology, Bani-walid, Libya مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO، Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)، Return Loss (S)


Abstract: The growth of mobile communications has considerably expanded the number of linked devices. Lack of efficient and small antenna components is one of the most frequent causes of this. The demand for more effective and efficient mobile terminals has substantially risen as a result of the growing number of linked devices and the requirement for high-speed wireless communication. A conventional Multiple Input Multiple Output MIMO antenna system only functions as an antenna array if the coupling between the components is high. However, it is well recognized that this technology has a flaw, and that flaw is the coupling between the various components of the system. In the event that there is a strong connection between the radiating elements, a MIMO antenna system just functions as an antenna array. Because of this, To take use of MIMO technology's advantages, there needs be a significant decoupling between the radiating parts. This paper's major goal is to research and construct printed multi-port MIMO antenna designs with integrated decoupling strategies for 5G smartphones. The excellent electromagnetic characteristics of these materials have drawn a considerable deal of interest in recent years. These substances are man-made structures that display traits not seen in nature. By regularly merging artificial structures, a metamaterial may be created. Additionally possessing lending qualities, metamaterials are known to enhance antenna gain and high isolation coupling when put next to them.

The findings from simulation and measurement are well-coordinated. The suggested structure would work with mm-wave 5G applications in the 28 GHz frequency region. Additionally, the operational frequency band's max gain is 9.14 dB. Metrics of MIMO performance such the Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC), Mean Effective Gain (MEG), and Channel Capacity Loss (CCL), Analysis of the suggested structure's diversity gain (DG) The final design incorporated a size/performance trade-off in favor of shrinking the structure's size to enable its application in smaller size devices. and the outcomes show that the design is suitable as a possible competitor for MIMO 5G Smartphone applications. Using Ansoft HFSS, the suggested antennas' simulation was performed


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohamed S. Alshulle1, Areej. M. Ahmeid, & Hana. R. Matouq. (2023). Metamaterial Based High Isolated Four Port MIMO Antenna for 5G Smartphone Applications. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 8(3), 210-221.

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