Statistical Distribution State Estimation Algorithm to Determine Electric Network State Variables


  • Rashid El-feres مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

DSE distribution state estimation algorithm


This work proposes a three phase statistical distribution network state estimation algorithm formulated on weighted least mean squares method (WLMS) to calculate the network voltage magnitude at each node on the network. The state estimation method used in this work is based on the methods used on transmission network. To overcome the lack of real time measurements which normally exist on 11kV distribution network, this work uses historical data acquired from billing system authority to make the state estimator observable.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Rashid El-feres. (2023). Statistical Distribution State Estimation Algorithm to Determine Electric Network State Variables . مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(5), 1-8.

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