Investigating Problems and Difficulties of Speaking English among Undergraduates in Msllata College


  • Zamzam Emhemed Zargoun Department of English Language, College of Arts and Sciences Msllata, Al-Marqab University, Msllata, Libya. مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Speaking, EFL students, vocabulary, grammar, language proficiency


Speaking is been considered as a general scale of language proficiency. A learner is thought to be a proficient learner of a language if he/she can speak it fluency. The English language is taught from primary level to university level in Libya and is considered a foreign language. However, it is been noticed that some universities are still struggling with speaking English successfully. This research is an attempt to investigate the common speaking challenges and the reasons underling these challenges encountered by students in the College of Arts and Sciences, Msallata, English department. This study used quantitative method with questionnaire instrument of 23 close-ended questions. In addition, the target population is EFL students and the total number of samples is 40 students of all academic years.

The results of the study will address that the undergraduates in Msllata College encounter challenges in speaking English due to some reasons. The most significant ones are the lack of vocabulary and grammar as the psychological factors also take place.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Zamzam Emhemed Zargoun. (2024). Investigating Problems and Difficulties of Speaking English among Undergraduates in Msllata College. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 9(1), 747-769.

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