A review of the Microbiological Influenced on Corrosion rates in Oil seawater systems and three-phase transport pipelines


  • SALIM .O. MIFTAH مؤلف



الكلمات المفتاحية:



The development of corrosion management system (CMS) to mange and measure the mitigation of corrosion is now standard oilfield good practice, Nevertheless it is not unusual to find that the probability of MIC is not adequately addressed , despite the face that Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) is identified as a corrosion risk. The result is that the mitigation of MIC is not measured or assured by the monitoring applied. Comparison of CMS documents illustrates that often there is no attempt to apply predictive models to assess the probability of MIC .The lace of a predication therefore makes measurement of mitigation impossible and this is often reflected by the face that MIC monitoring programmers

Actually measure biocide performance rather than MIC mitigation.

This paper is a review of the chemical treatment of microorganisms and their impact on corrosion rates in the oil industries, methods of controlling them, and how to resist them using chemicals or a change in the design of transport pipes and tanks to prevent their growth and describes how the application of even basic qualitative MIC predictions can greatly improve the management of MIC mitigation and raise the profile of of MIC management within the CMS. Furthermore, the paper provides guidance as to the key monitoring parameter which are required to provide a meaningful statistical measure of MIC mitigation in pipelines transporting a range of oilfield fluids.


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كيفية الاقتباس

SALIM .O. MIFTAH. (2024). A review of the Microbiological Influenced on Corrosion rates in Oil seawater systems and three-phase transport pipelines. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(5), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.58916/jhas.v7i6.574

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