The Coefficient Estimates for A New Class of Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients


  • Hanan Mohamed Almarwm Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khomus, Al-Margib University. مؤلف
  • Aisha Ahmed Amer Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khomus, Al-Margib University. مؤلف
  • Samah Khairi Ajaib Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science -Al-Khomus, Al-Margib University. مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Analytic function, generalized derivative operator, Hadamard products, normalized power series, univalent functions.


This paper introduces a new class in the open unit disc of analytic functions. It is mainly defined by the generalized derivative operator. A coefficient estimates is obtained, and other properties are derived. Additionally, Hadamard products (or convolution) of functions respective to the class are also included.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hanan Mohamed Almarwm, Aisha Ahmed Amer, & Samah Khairi Ajaib. (2024). The Coefficient Estimates for A New Class of Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 9(2), 322-329.

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