The Effect of Replacing Fresh water with Salt water and Sea water in Concrete


  • Abdulrahman Abdulsalam Bin Zayd Civil Engineering, Higher Institute of Engineering Technology/Zliten, Libya مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

treatment، sea water، fresh water، underground، resistance test



Abstract: this study aim to verify the possibility of using salt water and sea water instead of fresh water for concrete in mixing and treatment. Comparing its results with the pressure resistance test of a previous study, where this study relied on two previous studies, the first one, which I was involved in, depended on determining the place underground water wells and the highest salinity water. But in second study, which I have conducted, the water of the highest salinity wells was used in the first study in addition to the use of fresh water and sea water. Concrete cubes for all this water were prepared and immersed in fresh water. This study is the same as the second one mentioned above, however, the difference between them is the use of sea water in immersion of concrete cubes.

The results showed that the used underground water had a resistance in 7 days between (22.66- 26.66)Mpa, while the result in 28 days were between (28.06- 34.13)Mpa. For fresh water submerged in sea water in 7 days were 25.06 Mpa, and in 28 days were 31.16 Mpa, while sea water in 7 days were 22.1 Mpa and in 28 days 28.93 Mpa.       


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abdulrahman Abdulsalam Bin Zayd. (2023). The Effect of Replacing Fresh water with Salt water and Sea water in Concrete. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 8(3), 271-279.

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