Comparison of opening deep beam shapes under concentrated load


  • Ashraf M.L.Milad مؤلف
  • Nori.S.A.Ateig مؤلف
  • Juhaynah .S.Alshukri مؤلف
  • Nooralden.A.Abubakr مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:



Abstract: The objective of this study is to examine the deep beam opening behavior of lightweight reinforced concrete beams (LWC) with and without web openings, analyzed by the ansys19 software. The analysis included five samples of various shapes, a solid deep beam, a deep beam containing two square holes with sides length of 80 mm, a deep beam containing two circular holes with a diameter of 80 mm, a deep beam containing two vertical rectangular holes with dimensions of 140 * 80 mm, and a deep beam with two horizontal rectangular holes with dimensions of 80 * 140 mm. And each sample was subjected to a single point load. The effect of different gap shapes on the behavior of the sample was analyzed and compared. The results indicated that the shapes of the holes greatly affect the behavior of the deep beam, as it was found that the deep beams with circular gaps were the closest in terms of behavior to the deep solid beams among the four samples, and the deep beams with vertical rectangular gaps were the farthest for the behavior of the deep solid beams.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ashraf M.L.Milad, Nori.S.A.Ateig, Juhaynah .S.Alshukri, & Nooralden.A.Abubakr. (2024). Comparison of opening deep beam shapes under concentrated load. مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 7(5), 35-42.

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